Thursday, December 16, 2010
How should a 4-year-old girl, who is anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new baby brother, make the time pass a little more quickly? By making marshmallow lollipops, of course!
Not only are they delicious, I think they turned out very pretty... Caroline did a wonderful job.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Fall Fun Day
Fall Fun Day is one of Caroline's favorite days of the school year. Jackson and I headed to class with her this morning where we were served donuts, coffee, and hot chocolate. Yum-yum.

Caroline made quite an adorable Alice in Wonderland.
Jackson's a smart boy...he headed to the kitchen to see what the girls were cooking up.
On Monday, Caroline's class carved a jack-o-lantern. They picked the seeds out of the pumpkin and "planted" them in the grass behind the school. This morning the seeds had "grown" into a pumpkin patch. Caroline picked a huge one to decorate.
Her class - dressed up and decked out!
Here is Caroline in art class drawing a cat. They worked with pastels this morning.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Spidey Cakes
Many thanks to Diane for giving the kids these super cute spider leg cupcake holders. She very sweetly gave us three, so that Mini-We #3 won't be left out in the future. We made a batch of fudge cupcakes this morning and then had a fabulous time turning them into spidey friends! Sorry that the pics aren't as high-quality as usual...Brian has the "good" camera in London right now, and I have yet to perfect my photo taking skills with our other one. :o)

Monday, October 18, 2010
I snapped a ton of photos yesterday between Jackson getting his toddler bed and the bridal shower we threw at Mom's house, but here are two of my favorites...
Brian and Jackson assembled the bed. Caroline helped me dress it. As soon as it was ready, Jackson snuggled in, and we thought he'd never get out!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
First Day Back!
Caroline headed back to preschool this morning. She is very excited to be in the 4-year-old class. I didn't get to snap a ton of pics, but here are a few of what I did get...
We all know that Caroline might quite possibly be the biggest Olivia fan on the planet. Well, last spring when she discovered that Olivia's friend, Francine, takes a bento box lunch to school, Caroline decided she simply must get one, too. We found this pink one at Pottery Barn Kids back in July. The top left compartment has its own "door," so Caroline asked if I could put a "special, secret dessert" inside of it that will be a surprise for her when she finishes her main meal. You can see it's vanilla oreos, but she still has another hour before she gets to find out.
Is this girl excited to be headed back to school, or what? :o)
The one thing I was not prepared for this morning was Jackson's reaction to dropping Caroline off. During the 3 months of summer, the amount of time Jackson spends actually playing with Caroline (as opposed to separately but in the same room with her) has increased dramatically. He was so very, very upset that she walked into school leaving him in the mini-van.
Labor Day
We had a fabulous Labor Day this year! We packed a picnic lunch and headed to Celebration Park. The kids spent the morning playing soccer, running through the splash pad, and climbing all over the playground. Then while Jackson napped, Brian and Caroline hit the pool. We ended the evening by grilling turkey burgers. Yumm-o! Hope yours was wonderful as well.

Splash pad time! 

Jackson chowing down on fried chicken, strawberries, kiwi, and pineapple.
The kids played soccer for quite awhile. At this moment, Caroline is actually saying, "Jackson, you're not supposed to use your hands when you play soccer."
Look at those sweet cheeks...
My fellas scoping things out
I love this one - it's just pure joy on his face
Friday, August 6, 2010
7 days to go...
until ballet lessons begin!
Last week, Nana called to tell Caroline that she was sending money for her ballet shoes and ice cream. Well in true Nana style, she actually sent money for the leotard, skirt, tights, shoes, matching scrunchy for a bun, AND ice cream! Caroline was so proud to have her own big-girl cash to pay with.
Here she is decked out head-to-toe in her lavender and pink ballet ensemble. I was treated to a ballet performance after snapping this pic.
Isn't she the sweetest and prettiest ballerina ever?
Buns are required in the studio, and I think her little one is adorable.
Stay tuned for photos from her first day of class!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Savory Cheesecakes
During the weekends, Brian and I love to watch the cooking shows on PBS. This past Saturday, Brian was watching a Jacques Pepin show when he called me over to the TV. "These look awesome. I want to try these," he said. Pepin and his daughter were making mini cheesecakes with blue cheese. They looked delicious, so last night I whipped up a batch for us. Turns out, they are beyond yummy. BTW, the recipe can be found here.

Here are the cheesecakes ready to go into the oven. The recipe calls for a slice of bread processed into bread crumbs, but I actually used a baguette for the crumbs. I also substituted parmesan cheese in one of the cups, since blue cheese in on the do-not-eat list for preggos.
Fresh out of the oven, they look great...but will they stick to the cups? Pepin used 3/4 C souffle molds for his cheesecakes. I used 1C ramekins, so even though mine puffed nicely, they didn't puff over the top of the cups like his did.
Voila! It unmolded perfectly. This is a blue cheese one. In the 10 minutes of cool-down time, the cheesecakes pulled away from the sides of the ramekins completely. I didn't even need to loosen the sides with a butter knife. I simply inverted the cups and the cheesecakes came right out.
My parm cheesecake was delish, though I can't wait to devour one made with my favorite blue cheese.
leftover baguette + leftover cream cheese + jam = scrumptious breakfast today
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Family Pics
Here's a sneak peek from our Saturday photo session with Laura Beltran of Watermelon Photography. It was 107-degrees, and Jackson was less than thrilled about having to stay still for photos, but Laura was really patient and upbeat. I can't wait to see all of them.

Monday, August 2, 2010
Dad's 60th
Two weekends ago, we celebrated Dad's 60th birthday. He didn't want a big party, but we wanted to do something a little different than our standard birthday dinner at one of our houses, so we headed out to Lake Lavon and ate burgers and catfish at the Harbor House. Then we headed back to Mom and Dad's for chocolate pie and presents.
I must admit this photo does not do the fish justice. These were seriously monster fish that hang out by the restaurant...they are fed all day long by patrons of the burger joint.
Caroline tossing hot dog bun to the already gigantic fish.
Caroline and Grandmama
Oh's a tent.
Dad's new therma pad.
Three men, one tent.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day 2010
Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful dads in my life: Brian, Dad, Dale, Papa, Patrick & Rhett!
Doesn't our little group look happy after hamburgers, coleslaw, and strawberry shortcake?
Monday, June 7, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Growing Up Fast
I couldn't let us leave for the Gulf Coast without posting some sort of an update, and tonight Jackson gave me the perfect subject. He's working on a new skill...using a spoon! Despite the messy photos, he is actually doing very well feeding himself.
He's too cute and literally eats double-handed. He takes a bite from the spoon, then a bite from his other hand, then back to the spoon. I'll try to get video of it, too. Hilarious!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Parents Day
Caroline's preschool hosted Parents Day on Monday. The kids put on a 30 minute music program and then were awarded certificates of completion for the school year. Special pieces of artwork had been saved all year long and were on display for us. We were really blown away by some of Caroline's work. Her teachers put together a binder for each child with photos from the year and a collection of artwork... it was the sweetest gift! There are only 3 weeks left in the school year, but they promise to be action-packed with Bounce House Day, Splash Day and Pizza Party Day.

Each child was given a school shirt to wear for the performance. Look at that face! Isn't she beautiful?
Here's a number with drum sticks.
Caroline and another little boy presented the Director with a year-end thank you gift. Is anyone else as worried as I am about that all-too-adoring look Caroline is giving him?
Caroline's teachers presented her with a certificate.
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