Thursday, April 29, 2010

Parents Day

Caroline's preschool hosted Parents Day on Monday. The kids put on a 30 minute music program and then were awarded certificates of completion for the school year. Special pieces of artwork had been saved all year long and were on display for us. We were really blown away by some of Caroline's work. Her teachers put together a binder for each child with photos from the year and a collection of artwork... it was the sweetest gift! There are only 3 weeks left in the school year, but they promise to be action-packed with Bounce House Day, Splash Day and Pizza Party Day.

Each child was given a school shirt to wear for the performance. Look at that face! Isn't she beautiful?

Here's a number with drum sticks.

Caroline and another little boy presented the Director with a year-end thank you gift. Is anyone else as worried as I am about that all-too-adoring look Caroline is giving him?

Caroline's teachers presented her with a certificate.

Caroline completed two paintings on canvas this year. We get to bring them home on the last day of school... I can't wait to hang them! I think we might have a budding artist on our hands!


rebecca said...

Who is that boy? I don't like that look either... what did Dad have to say about that?
The painting is just beautiful, and her printing is looking good as well!
We are so proud of her. I wish we lived closer.
Great job, Caroline!

Grandmama said...

I am so impressed with Caroline's painting and she is absolutely adorable in that hat! I can't believe she is finishing her first year of school. I'm proud of you, Caroline!